
Due to renew in 2022?  Still time to renew! The current window: late renewal window runs from 10/16/2022 through 12/31/2022. Review the 2022 Renewal by CE Handbook for renewal information. If you have met the requirements, renew now -- sign in to your CDCES portal and place your renewal by CE application.

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Certification is valid for a five-year time frame with an expiration date that ends on December 31 of the last year of the certification cycle.

Note: The following information is provided as an overview of the renewal process. Specific details are provided in the  Handbooks published in the year you renew. The Handbooks are the final documents regarding the policies and procedures that apply to the renewal process.


  • Jasmine became certified on February 6, 2020, her certification expires on December 31, 2025
  • Steve became certified on December 15, 2020, his certification also expires on December 31, 2025

The expiration date is found on your wallet card and certificate, as well as provided in the verification documentation and on the dashboard. We know five years seems far away right after you become certified, but now is the time to:

  • Learn about the various renewal pathways
  • Add an appointment to your calendar for January 1 of the year your certification expires that reminds you to check in with CBDCE to ensure you understand what is needed for renewal.

Verify your expiration date

Review your documentation on the Dashboard

Renewal Cycle

The five-year time frame has a history in the high pass rate of those who recertified by exam versus initial candidates when renewal was required to be by examination; even with changes to examination content outlines since initial certification. The decision to offer renewal by continuing education starting in 2005 as an option versus solely by examination was based on the renewal exam pass rate of 95% and higher for the ten years prior to offering the renewal by continuing education option. In addition, the changes to the exam content outline based on various practice analysis over the years have been minimal regarding the tasks and knowledge in the field.

Why I Renewed My CDCES Certification...

I wanted to keep my CDCES certification streak going! There were some years that I had to step out of a formal CDCES role; however, I was always glad that I renewed my CDCES credential because I kept returning to roles that used my training and benefited from my credential. I would have missed out if I had not renewed by CDCES.

Dana E. Brackney

Ways to Renew

There are several ways to renew certification. Each way has its own requirements. Besides needing to maintain the license or registration used to become certified, you can use any of the combinations below to renew:

  • Renewal professional practice requirement and continuing education activities (Pathway 1)
  • Renewal professional practice requirement and exam (Pathway 2)
  • Continuing education activities and exam (Pathway 3)

Renewal by CE Pathway Deadlines 2022

Renewal Timeframes

You will need to renew your certification in the last year of your cycle. However, there are different deadlines depending on when and how you renew. Refer to the graphic above for the renewal application window dates, deadlines, and fees.

Due to renew in 2022?
Still time to renew by CE! The late window for renewal by CE will be open from October 16, 2022 to December 31, 2022. The 2022 Renewal by Continuing Education Handbook is now available. Click here to download the CE Handbook.

To place your online renewal application, log into your CDCES portal > hover over Certification > click on dropdown Renewal Application where you will be redirected to the first page of the renewal application.

Log into the dashboard to learn more about the requirements, including what experience is included
in the renewal professional practice requirement, a definition that is expanded and inclusive of many different experiences than those that qualified for initial certification.

  • If you're renewing using the renewal practice requirement and continuing education activities pathway, the standard window is typically open mid-July through mid-September and requires completion of an online or paper application. Other windows are available later in the year, but require additional fees and may require additional documentation.  See the Renewal by Continuing Education Handbook for specific dates.
  • If you were selected for an audit of your renewal by CE, you will need to provide CBDCE with documentation showing you met the renewal requirements. Take a look, here, at the documentation you will need to provide, if selected.
  • If you're renewing using the renewal practice requirement and exam pathway, applications are accepted on a year-round basis, as long you take and pass the exam no later than December 31 of the year your certification expires.  See the Examination Handbook for more details.

*Be sure to review the Renewal by Continuing Education or Exam Handbook for the year you are renewing to get the most up to date details of the different pathways

Log into your account to learn more about the renewal pathways

Review the Renewal by Continuing Education pathway for your renewal year

Eligibility Requirements for Reinstatement of Expired Credentials

If your credential expired

  • Individuals whose CDCES credential have expired within the last 5 years may pursue reinstatement of their credential. Reinstatement requires that an individual must meet appropriate eligibility requirements and pass the exam.
  • Individuals whose CDCES credential expired longer than five years ago will need to review the initial eligibility requirements to determine your path to certification.
  • Upon passage of the examination a new CDCES number is issued along with a new accrual cycle. Note that certification is not extended between the time of credential expiration and passing the examination.
  • Refer to the Exam Handbook to identify the accrual cycle for the reinstatement of an expired credential.

Reinstatement requirements
(for certification expired less than 5 years)

  • Individuals must continue to hold a current, active, and unrestricted license, certification or registration for the same discipline held at the time of initial certification.
  • Must apply for the examination with documentation of either 75 hours of acceptable continuing education hours OR 1000 renewal practice requirement at the time of applying for the examination and pay the appropriate application fee.
  • Must pass the examination

Upon passage of the exam, a new certification number and accrual cycle will be issued.